
Cinderella’s Curse – Trailer

“The classic tale, but this bedtime story becomes a nightmare.”

The Trailer

Cinderella meets Carrie seems to be the general vibe of this trailer.

Imagine if Cinderella was retold as a bloody and slightly silly horror story.

The trailer for Cinderella’s Curse begins with telltale horror music and a kind of strange scene in a grand dining room where Cinderella appears to have been served a bloody human organ. I’m not sure what it means, and I doubt anyone does, but it’s provocative. If it gets the people going, who am I to judge. (That was a weird last couple sentences but it’s a reference I promise.)

As the trailer proceeds you realize in this story it’s not just the wicked stepmother and stepsisters that are cruel, but the prince and the people he surrounds himself with too.

Like the original story, Cinderella goes to the ball. In fact, she’d been invited by name by the prince. During their dance her dreams come crumbling down though as he says horrible things to her and spits in her face. Looking to degrade her further, he makes a show of her crumpled on the ground and the women surrounding her laugh and slap her. Really, it’s Cinderella’s worst nightmare, and it’s soon to become theirs.  

Cinderella’s fairy godmother is also in the trailer, but she doesn’t appear like we have ever seen her before. This fairy godmother is a woman who looks like she’s missing the skin on her face, and she’s come to grant Cinderella 3 wishes. What does Cinderella wish for, you might ask? Revenge of course!

What proceeds strongly reminds me of Carrie and is sure to be a bloodbath on its own. It looks like no one is safe as Carrie goes person to person stabbing them with her glass slipper heel, hacking them with an axe or cutting off their toes so they can fit their feet into the glass slipper.

My Thoughts

It looks like it’s going to be a certain kind of horror movie. Not deep and necessarily thought provoking, but perfect to watch with a friend and some popcorn on a Friday night.

Let me know what you think of the trailer and whether you’re looking forward to Cinderella’s Curse!


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